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Cleaning and Hygiene – An Introduction

Cleaning and hygiene are physiological practices that by their nature cannot be separated from ecological ones. They have the same purpose: harmony, beauty, health.

If there was a lack (among the various shortcomings that emerged) the attention, consequently, the habit towards hygiene (hand washing is a symbol of this lacuna) probably lacked the motivation, the stimulation to carry out a practice considered not too important, not vital and natural. From the anthropological point of view, cleanliness with its opposite, dirt, is considered a completely cultural aspect, therefore relating to historical periods, traditions, rites, and the fear of contamination.

Cleaning calls for care, protection, attention, dedication, and relationships. Cleaning also calls for order, organization, and planning, in everyday life.

If from this time of great trial, we come out with a new culture of cleaning that allows us to implement healthy habits for ourselves, for the home, and for the environment (creating a healthy daily routine) we can still start the change of course together, that depends mainly on us, on our choices, on our behavior.


Clean, sanitize, disinfect, sanitize.  Verbs have invaded the daily news in recent months and that have brought back the practice of cleaning.

The epidemic that has blocked millions of people at home, in some way, has given rise to the “rebirth” of this personal and domestic activity which has suddenly been positioned on the podium of our daily life.

Covid -19 has forced us to have greater regard for health and hygiene aspects including those related to the cleaning of our homes, offices, and other places of gathering. Attention to eliminating viruses, bacteria, and other invisible threats has been a priority to try to protect our human health.


What did this sudden and unexpected change in our relationship with cleaning entail?

Excess of hygiene. Using massive and reckless bactericides and disinfectants.

The abuse of disinfectants has already had a clear impact on our health. Since the beginning of the covid -19 emergency, counselling for intoxication from the use of disinfectants has increased by 63% for adults and 135% for children under five. The environmental impact is another is another aspect that should not be underestimated: sodium hypochlorite (bleach) has very negative and persistent effects on aquatic environments, where it damages algae and fish and interferes on the food chain, exerting effects that last overtime. Both medical – surgical aids and biocidal substances indistinctly attack all the bacteria they encounter, exerting a bad impact on the environment.

During the quarantine, many thought that it was essential to disinfect domestic environments with extraordinary cleaning compared to that practiced pre-covid-19.

Carefully cleaning each surface properly can be useful, but in the same way, it is essential to understand how to do it with the use of suitable services. With the correct precautions and the right precautions, there is no need to disinfect or sanitize the rooms, just perform normal daily cleaning correctly. The require is different in the case in which there is an infected person in the house, in that case, it is necessary to follow National Health guidelines.

We have increased hygiene and cleaning routines because we are motivated and stimulated to protect our health and that of our loved ones, rediscovering that hygiene and preventive medicine (defined as the science and art of preventing disease to promote health and wellbeing) allow us to extend the life and promote health through organized efforts and informed choices in society. The public health becomes all acting adequately to threats.

What lessons can we inherit so as not to nullify the sacrifices due to the crisis experienced due to Covid-19?

What happened in this historical passage has put a strain on us, but it also offers us the opportunity of awareness of resilient transformation.

Now is the time to learn and responsibly assume habits and behaviours useful for our health and that of others and the environment.


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